Saturday September 19, 2009
Help! My agent told me she thought my silly book was great fun, but that it had too much action and too many characters. What to do? I've been trying to rewrite it, but I'm having trouble. Has this ever happened to you? I'm going to keep trying though.
Niki, I'm glad you got your glasses so you can read. I think glasses are very trendy right now. I started wearing glasses in third grade. I hope you'll like Ghouls Don't Scoop Ice Cream. The chapter called Super Eddie is my favorite part. Awesome to hear from you Meckenzie. Guess what? Skeletons Don't Play Tubas is one of my favorites too! Tell your mom hi! Bailey, I'm so glad you love my books. It's awesome that you're writing your own stories. You go girl! (Love your name, by the way!) Brittany, I'm so glad you like my books. The Dominican Republic sounds really cool. Good luck in Middle School! Not sure when I'll be in Easton again, but I will be in nearby Princeton TODAY (Sat. 19th) from 11:15-2:00. I'll be at the Chicket Book Festival in the Princeton Shopping Center. Hope to see you there! ph: 609-279-2121 g2g, Debbie
Saturday September 12, 2009
Check out Mrs. Zork's new drawing pages. I'm always amazed by people who can draw. Mrs. Zork makes it easy and shows you how to draw all sorts of things, including werewolves, martians, bats, and planes. If you've read Aliens Don't Wear Braces, then you know exactly who Mrs. Zork is. If you haven't, I hope you'll try it out. I wore braces for four years as an adult (so sometimes I felt like an alien). My parents couldn't really afford braces for me when I was a kid, so I got them after I started teaching.
After you have checked out Mrs. Zork's drawing page, I hope you'll look at the Bailey School Kids magazine, Dracula. (it should be up soon, if not already. My wonderful webmaster, Maryjo, put it up. This summer I read the original Dracula by Bram Stoker. It was creepy, but I must admit I like Dracula Doesn't Drink Lemonade better!
As you're starting the new school year and looking for new friends, I hope you'll look around you and notice people who might be lonely. Say hello. It's a great way to make someone feel better and maybe even make a friend. I hope I've made friends with Phillip, Maria, Greta, Oliver, Elijah, and Emma-you guys are awesome! ttyl, Debbie
Sunday September 6, 2009
Smokey Bear
Happy Birthday Smokey The Bear! About 65 years ago, a little bear cub was caught in a forest fire. He survived by climbing a burnt tree, scorching his fur and burning his paws and legs. Firefighters found him and he was nursed back to health. Smokey Bear became a national hero and a symbol of how important it is to be careful with fire. When I taught first grade, Smokey Bear visited my classroom. I bet he still makes school visits!
Thanks to Ben for his fun blog about my new Keyholders series! I'm glad you like This Side of Magic. Jada, I'm really glad you enjoyed The Bride of Frankenstein Doesn't Bake Cookies. Suddenly, I feel really hungry for a cookie.
Sarah, you and your friend are awesome readers! Your Ghosts Don't Garden sounds like great fun. You can send it to me in care of Scholastic at 557 Broadway NY, NY 10012. Sophia, I think you should write your fairy story. Jordan, your dad is right about Rock and Roll sounding better as rock n'roll, but publishers are sometimes particular about spelling, so that's why we went with rock and roll. I'm so glad you liked Dracula Doesn't Rock and Roll.
Thanks George, you made my day. I wish you good luck in college and I'm pleased that I'm part of happy memories, along with Mrs. Jeepers Batty Vacation.
If you live near Princeton, New Jersey, I'll be doing a booksigning at the Chicket Book Festival on Sept. 19th at the Princeton Shopping Center. I'll be doing a reading/talk at 11:15 and a signing from 12-2. Hope to meet you there! Maybe you can cheer me up-I just got a rejection for a story I've been working on. Bummer.
Shane, if you're reading this in Afghanistan thanks for your wonderful snail mail letter. A big shout out to Philip, Maria, Greta, Oliver, and Elijah! ttyl-I have to go get a cookie, go to church, and go to a soccer tournament, Debbie
Saturday August 29, 2009
Back to School!
It's back to school time! New pencils and new shoes. New teachers and new friends. I hope this year will be the best year ever for you. It's exciting and sometimes a bit scary-but most exciting things are a bit scary, aren't they? You might like to check out some of my back-to-school stories. Hopefully you won't have any swamp monsters in your class! Of course, if you're like Fred you're in a whole other hemisphere and are looking forward to summer vacation soon. Fred, I hope I get to visit your side of the world one day!
Hi Sonja, the book that Marcia and I wrote before I moved to Texas was Frankenstein Doesn't Plant Petunias. It was very sad when I moved because we didn't think we'd ever write another book, but we did! Now we use email to write together.
My summer was mostly about doing rewrites. My daughter, Becky, and I rewrote a story. I rewrote a story by myself. Marcia and I rewrote a proposal and wrote a story. Now, I'm rewritting my silly story. Wouldn't I love it if I could write it once and it could be perfect? Of course, I know the stories are always better when they are rewritten.
Speaking of summer, here I am at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I just went today with my family. Now, I only have one thing left on my summer 'to do' list and that's to work on a story idea I have. I think I did pretty well with my list. How did you make out with yours?
A big congratulations to my editor, Shannon. She was married today, so I wish her and her new husband all the best. Many blessings to you all, Debbie
Monday August 24, 2009
When I was little there were no DVD or VHS video players. The only movies we got to watch were on TV or at the movie theatre. Once a year, The Wizard of Oz movie always played on TV. It was a big deal and everyone watched it. It was very high tech at the time. August 25th is the 70th anniversary of the movie. Did you know that the Wizard of Oz is based on one of whole series of books written by a man named Frank Baum? In fact, a lot of movies are based on books. I must admit I usually like the books better than the movies.
John, I'm glad you like the Bailey School Kids books. Marcia and I were very lucky to have Scholastic buy the first one and then turn it into a series. I wish you and your brother luck. Marcia and I just finished writing a fun story together, but it's not a Bailey School Kids book.
Want to appear in a magazine? You could be in Storyworks magazine. All you have to do is read a book (one of mine, I hope), write 1-2 paragraphs about what you liked about it and a few details about what happened, send in your photo and you could be in Scholastic's Storyworks next issue. Sign your name at the bottom of your review and send it to REVIEWS BY YOU Storyworks PO Box 712 New York, NY 10013-0712. (Remember to include your name, age, teacher's name, school's name and address, and school's phone number.) Good luck!
Fred, is Xian in China or Australia? It'd be cool to go to either place. Are you in school in Australia now? In the United States, most kids are getting ready to go back to school (some have already started). If you've already started, I hope you're having a great new school year. ttyl, Debbie
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