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Monday October 20, 2008

 Can you believe it?  I have a podcast!  Go to  to listen by just rolling your cursor over the playlist or you can download it for free onto your I-pod.  I plan to put Debbie Dadeyreadings from various books on there too.  It's technology cool?  William, you might like to try it out because in it I tell great ways to get ideas.

Emily, thanks for the funny title idea.  Chase, best of luck with your writing.  I hope you'll try out my new podcast too.  If there's anything you'd like me to put on there, let me know. 

Simra, I'm with you.  I'd love to read all year long too.  I'm sure your mother wants you to do other things as well, but the great thing about reading is that it's the best way for kids to be successful at school.  You can also tell your mom you are building vocabulary and comprehension skills!

Caleb, how cool is it that you wrote.  Thanks!  Dora, how fun that you and Eddie have the same birthday.  I hope you'll like Vampires Don't Wear Polka DotsVampires don't Wear Polka dotsAngel, you're the best!

Anne, my birthday is May 18th.  I hope your class with check out my upcoming author-of-the month bulletin board in the teacher section.  Becky, I love Becky Dadey too!

Harper, how cool to be named after the famous author of To Kill A Mockingbird.  Yes, I do love to write.  I like dragons too.  You may know I've written some books about them, like Dragons Don't Cook Pizza.  Do you know the others?  Dragons Don't cook Pizza

Brenton, no word yet about Bridgett.  Ryan, what a bummer to read a whole book and find the end missing.  Here's the lowdown on the end of Cyclops Doesn't Roller Skate:

Principal Davis announces that Doctor Polly is finished checking everyone's eyes and that now everyone has to wear knee pads and helmets.  The kids are sitting in Burger Doodle having shakes when Dr. Polly skates by wearing a helmet. 
     "I guess we were silly to think he was a one-eyed monster, " Lisa said.Cyclops Doesn't Roller-Skate
      Melody giggled, "After all, a Cyclops doesn't roller-skate."
But then Eddie ends up spitting milkshake everywhere when he sees the front of Dr. Polly's yellow helmet.  Right in the middle is a bright light that looks exactly like an eyeball!
ttyl, Debbie



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Monday October 13, 2008

Have you ever gotten in trouble by accident?  Let me know about it and maybe I can use it in the new book I'm working on. 

Hi Sophie, Howie and Liza are friends.  But in Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers love is in the air!  Simra, I'm so glad you like my books.  Perhaps you'll be in a upcoming book.  Emily, so good to hear from you again.  Is your pug a puppy?

HungJoon, good luck with your report.  You can find out a lot about me on the About me Page.  There are more pictures there too (in the photo album) and a new author of the month bulletin board kit might be  helpful too (that's coming soon to the teacher's page.)  Here's some answers for your questions.  1. How do you get your ideas for books?   Ideas come from everywhere-even the newspaper!  2. How many books have you written for children?  About 147 3. How long does it take to write a book? Different amounts of time.  The longest was 8 years.  4. What is your favorite book that you have written? I have so many!  The Worst Name in Third Grade is one.  Worst Name5. Did you like stories like these when you were a child?  Yes, I've always liked stories about friendship and funny stories.  6. Did you like writing a book when you were a child?  I didn't really write much as a kid because I didn't know about it!  My teachers never had us do it much, but I did (and still do) love to read.  

Haunted Greetings to Osama and Trent.  Aren'tGoblins goblins stories perfect for this time of year?  Osama, I'm glad you like Goblins Don't Play Video Games.  Hope you'll check Aliens Don't Carve Jack-o-Lanterns.  My daughter's picture is on page 62.  take care and bgr8ful, Debbie

 Aliens Don't Carve Jack-o-lanterns

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Monday October 6, 2008

 Have you ever touched a baby lion?  They are so soft!  Have you ever petted a baby kangaroo?  They're all legs and lovable.  I got to pet them when I visited Jungle Joe last week.  I'm trying to figure out how to put Joe and his animals into a fun story.  I've made several drafts, but I don't think I have it right yet.  Let me know if you have any ideas.

Hi Miley, my kids love your show-actually I like it too.  (I guess people tell you that all the time even if you aren't Miley from TV.  I even had great fun writing a screenplay last year that I thought would be perfect for the TV Miley.  It's still with an LA agent).

Emily, I have been to Wichita and I do like pugs.  I do have three dogs-which is more than anyone needs, but I love them all.  Connor, I hope you have a great day!  Noah, the idea for books about monsters started with a joke.  Marcia and I said that if we were monster teachers all the kids would pay attention to us. 

Haley Jo and Connor, my favorite book is always the one I'm working on right now! My daughter and I just finished a book that I think turned out awesome.  If it gets published you can let me know what you think.  It's about a girl who feels invisible after she breaks her leg and she's no longer a soccer star.  Other favorites are The Worst Name in Third Grade and Slime Wars.  I have a map in the teacher's section of my website that shows all the states I have visited.  I haven't been to a few like Maine, Oregon, and Washington.  I can't wait to go there!  I even have gone to a few other countries, like Egypt, Germany, and Belgium for school visits.  I'm hoping to go to Peru next year.  I think it's exciting to see different places and meet new people.

Chloe, my favorite color is definitely blue.  Howdy to Mrs. Birt's Busy Bees, you have an awesome school!  Too bad I couldn't have gotten Soulja Boy to come with me from the hotel to your school!

Trent, thanks for the great ideas.  I hope my editor will like them.  Right now, I'm going to work on the second half of an outline for book 4 of my new series, Keyholders.  (It comes out next year.)  The evil queen is invading the real world!  Awwwwww!  Debbie

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Monday September 29, 2008

 Watch out Ohio!  Here I come.  I'm looking forward to visiting the kids in Monclovia later this week.  I hope they've been checking out my website. 

Hi Mimi, did I say I would dedicate a book to you?  Tell me more.  Marissa, I've written about 147 books. Do you have a favorite?  Tyler, where did you hear about Moon Dust Cookies?  I'm getting hungry just thinking about them. 

Right now, I'm going to visit Jungle Joe and his critters (skunks, pythons, and such) for research for a book.  His website is  I met him when he came to my son's birthday party.  Hopefully, the python won't get me, Debbie

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Monday September 22, 2008

    fall leavesToday is the first day of fall.  As I look out my office window, I can see a tree that has some orange leaves on it already.  Halloween will be here before we know it!  I was in a store the other day that already had Halloween candy for sale.  My favorite is Butterfingers candy.  Yum!
     A big hello to Jordyn.  It is so awesome that you like to write stories.  I hope you'll check out the writing section of my website.  Of course, it'd be fun to read your story.  You can send it to me in care of Scholastic 557 Broadway NY, NY 10012.  Another big hi to Jace, I'm so glad you liked Mermaids Don't Run for Track. My favorite part is the end, where Eddie gets a surprise from the mermaid.  mermaid
     I'm anxiously awaiting word from my editor about book three of the new Keyholder series (the first two books come out in April/May of 2009).  I thought it turned out well, so I'm curious to see what she thinks.  Now, I'm off to finish audio taping for a cartoon and to work on a picture book.  But first, lunch!  ttyl, Debbie

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