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Kids Talk to Debbie

Kids here is your chance to write to Debbie where Debbie and everyone else can read it!

Press the "Post Your Message" button below.  A new page will open with a form where you can post your message to Debbie. Inappropriate language will be deleted or blocked. She will answer you on "Debbie Talks."


" tank you debbie dadey so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love that you have soooooooooo much stuff about you online so my report is almost done. by kennedy p.s. thank you sooooooooooo much aging. kennedy"

" hi this is me kennedy what are you doing all the time. by debbie dadey. "

"Hi, its me agian Alex. That answer that Marcia wrote was very heplful but what kind of animal does the message mean to say Bruno is. And can you name the toy animals that are on the cover of Vampire Baby."

" Hi Debbie I am a big fan of you and your books.My favorite book is Ghost Don't Eat Potato Chips"

" Hi, I was wondering if you have any plans on adding more books to The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids books? Will you be adding more titles to The Bailey School Junior books? Thanks "

" hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I luv your books !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what is your inspiration???????????????????? what will be the title of your next book ????????? I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUVVVVVVVVVVVVV UUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

" you are so cool can you come to dobbs to do a book signing"

" can you come to pvi and pve pretty please we will all like it. thank you eddie from Mrs.Ciarleglios class "

" Hi, Debbie it's Mrs.Jeepers Bryleigh! My birthday is on October 6 ,and I will be nine. I was wondering if you could send me some of your books. I've read #'s 1,12,18,23-34 so you can give me some for my b-day.I can't find them in stores."

" Thaks Debbie that would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Bryleigh"

" really thanks that is cool my birthday is soon on october 7. my school dance is on october 2. i will be myself at the dance my dad is worried so guys might dance with me. lol i am mad!!! he treats me like a baby g2g"

"I appreciate you asking the author, Marcia, what Bruno was and posting back her answer. I enjoy what kind of great books you wrote. In Double Trouble Monster what were those things under the white sheets on the mad scientists tables."

"Hi, its me agian Alex. I think Bruno is a dog except in a part were Boris says that they could teach Bruno to "swoop down and grab furry creatures in his claws". If you could ask the author, Marcia, before you post back. Thank You."

" Your books are the best."

"Hello, I read your books and they are the best. In Kilmers Pet Monster what kind of pet is Bruno supposed to be. Please post here so I can find out what Bruno is. Thank You"

" you are the best of all "

" I love your books keep writing them. I was wondering how long you've been writing books and how old were you when you started? Well hope you get my message. Your Biggest Fan,Camilla"

" i love your books ,but my sister is in 5 grade and she did not have time to read them. She was to high in her book level!!!!!! i was hoping that you would make advanced books!!!!!!like big books!!!!!!! thanks"
3 grade

" Debbie- I LLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEEE your books!!!!!! I was thinking about being Mrs.Jeepers for Halloween ,but I don't know what to use.I already Have real ,real, real red hair. Please tell me what you think? Your biggest fan - Bryleigh "

" i love your books ,but my sister is in 5 grade and she did not have time to read them. She was to high in her book level!!!!!! i was hoping that you would make advanced books!!!!!! "
3 grade

" debbie dadey i was hoping that you would make a book that is titled: Hippies Don't Wear High Heals love your best Baily school reader, mollie P.S I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
3 grade

" today my dad is watching the new york giants on tv but we also say go jhawks and just between you and me you kissed your first boy in fith grade you are so luckey im still wating for the boy i like to go to the dance with me or just dance what is you seacret to get boys please i need it the boy i like doesnt know i egzist! sul8tr"

" Debbie, I LOVE your Baily School Books. I read them almost everyday. Are you going to write any more? I really wish you would. I especially like the super specials. Happy writing! P.S. I am obsessed with Mrs. Jeepers. Don't ask me why because i don't know. Bye!"

" mrsdadey is that your number or the stores number sul8tr"

" i love your books ! maybe you shoud write a book called doctors dont eat chines food write back! please write a book called doctors dont eat chinese food "

" I love you Mrs. Dadey.You rock,I read your books EVERY time I go too the library.One time my mom went too the Old book barn and bought me a hole bunch of your books and I almost died when I got home. ..........I LOVE YOU. Are you writing any more Baily school kids books? I love those books. You know love too wright.Anyway did I mention my favorite book ever?Well I meant too,my favorite book is Skeletons don't play tubas.Have a good day. know I lo veoo "
third grade

" Dear Debbie, I just love you're books! There the best books in the world!! In fact, I love you're books so much, I decided to write some of my own books. When I read you're first book, because my friend Rebekah told me to, I loved it!!!so I am reading all of you're books. Love Your # 1 Fan Bailey J "

" hey debbie its been long time i havent read bailey school kids boook i am reading ghouls dont scoop ice-cream for the last few months i couldnt read any books because the doctor said i couldnt read any books unless i get my glasses "

" when is the next time you are in easton i just want to know??????that is all bye wait i llllllooooooovvvvvvveeeeeee your books!!!!!!!!!!"

" I am happy you liked those jokes sorry i couldnt tipe you i was in the daminican was so awesome it was also sooooooo i am in middle school it is fun i get to see my friends again some i never saw in years so it is cool. how are your kids?sorry g2g ps lol"

"What a thrill! Thanks so're the best!!!"
Philip, Maria, Greta, Oliver, Elijah
4, 3, 1, pre-K

" i love all of your books and read them ten times each!i love your books! love emma in third grade"

"hi debbie i know i should have wrote sooner but i just looked at your messege and its september 3 so anyways my birthday is in 3 weeks and when i said write a book about faires i kinda ment in the bailey school kids series well bye i have to take a bath but ill talk to you soon."

" I really like the Bride of Frankenstein Doesn't Bake Cookies."

" I'm going back to college in October. Just a few weeks ago my mother and I were parting with some childhood belongings. But when the time came I got out that strage container and saw all of the Bailey School Kid Books, I couldn't part with a single one of them! Though I haven't read one in about two years, I am now reading " Mrs. Jeeper's Batty Vacation". You wouldn't believe how many happy memories I have gotten from reading them. "

"Dear Debbie Dadey, Me and my friend have almost finished the whole series of Bailey School Kids. We would like you to please write more for us. We have come up with a story that we wrote on our own and we would like to send it to you. We can't publish it because it would be copying yours but if you could please publish it for us and put a little of credit for us we would really like that. The name is "Ghosts don't Garden". Thank you so much. Love, Sarah "

" I love your books and want you to make more BSK books! They're really cool and I want to read all of them. My daddy says in Dracula Doesn't Rock And Roll, that it supposed to be Rock n' Roll. "And" sounds too proper, not like rock n' roll. Love all of your books! Jordan"

" Xian is in China, relatively near Chengdu. Yes, I am in school, but in a few months I will have a few months off for Summer vacation. I can't wait!"

"Debbie, do you remember how many Bailey School Kids books you and MTJ were able to write while you two still worked at the same school? Like, in other words, do you remember the last book you two wrote together before you moved to Texas or wherever it was? (Love love LOVE the Bailey School Kids...if I had to pick a favorite I wouldn't be able to! When will we be seeing a new Bailey School Kids book?)"

" Oh, yeah! In Xian, there's this very special kind of dumplings. The dumplings are shaped and sculpted into animals and then whatever animal it's scuplted as, meat from that animal is inside the dumpling. For example, a dumpling shaped as a chick has chicken inside of it. The best place to go is Defachung's. "

"Hey Debbie! I think it's so cool that you and Marcia still write books through phones, fax machines, and email! Do you two plan on writing any more books for the Bailey School Kids? I think you should. Plus, I also was wondering how you were able to get Scholastic, Inc. to publish your book series! My older brother tried so many times to send manuscripts to Scholastic, Inc. and I was wondering how you were so lucky as to have them accept your books! Did you have to sign a contract or something like that? Thanks!"

" Oh yeah! I have visited New Zealand, but I would love to visit the whole entire world! My most anticipated country is China! I want to hug a Panda Bear!"

" I'm glad you want to visit Australia. I live in Sydney with my Mum, Dad and sister. It's hard to believe how far away the States are from here. If you were to fly here from Los Angeles, it would take a minimum 14 hours!"

" HI mrs.DADey itsss helenn as you knoww! how are you?!!? haha i was kinda bored and decided to write on your homepage thingy. i miss youu! im gonna have to come visit you sooon. i hoope your having a great summer=)"

" My mother's favorite female authors are Margaret Mitchell, Dorothy Parker, Zora Neale Hurston and Edna Ferber. Her favorite male authors are William Faulkner, T.S. Eliot, James Patterson, Rudyard Kipling and a man named Tagore. Have you ever heard of these people?"

" I Love the book where everyone goes to Romanaia. I like Justine and Madame Hauntly. And Brois and the Hauntly cook. Have you ever traveled to another country?"

" Is your best friend Marcia Thornton Jones?"

" Out of all four kids, who's your favorite? Eddie, Liza, Howie, or Melody?"

"Hi Debbie, I love the Bailey School Kids. I was wondering if you'd ever heard of the Clue books, published by Scholastic, Inc. as well. The books are "created by A.E. Parker" but have various authors (Eric Weiner, Jahnna N. Malcom, Marie Jacks, and Dona Smith). What I was also wondering, since you are in the publishing business, is why a book series would have numerous authors? (In other words, the first six books of a book series was written by one author, then two more by another author...etc.) I know it's a random question but I am so curious/confused by this! Thanks!"

" hi have a great sumer"

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