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Kids Talk to Debbie

Kids here is your chance to write to Debbie where Debbie and everyone else can read it!

Press the "Post Your Message" button below.  A new page will open with a form where you can post your message to Debbie. Inappropriate language will be deleted or blocked. She will answer you on "Debbie Talks."


"Suzy is so annoying. I’m sorry she has written so many letters to you, her favorite author, over the years. All she does is get up early in the morning and check the computer to see if you replied. She is literally your number one fan she has all your books"

"Chapter 8: Fight “Here let me,” said Ricardo. “No,” said Emily. “But you ain’t smiling,” said Ricardo. He took the yearbook out of Emily’s hand. A big man came along with “The Giant Yearbook”. Emily pointed. “Give me my yearbook!” screamed Emily. “No way,” said Ricardo. “I am going to tear this part of your yearbook out!” Emily grabbed her yearbook. But Ricardo’s hands were still on it. Ricardo pushed Emily’s hands off. But, before Ricardo could rip the page of her class out, he felt a tap on his shoulder. And so did Emily. "

"I know you're probably busy on Thanksgiving, so, here's a early happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Dadey!"
6th grade

"This page isn't getting removed, is it? I enjoy having chats with my favorite author. Speaking of wich, I'm on a hold at my library for Flower Girl Dreams! I'm excited for that book!"
6th grade

" Chapter 7: Chickening Out The next morning in class, everybody was asking Marko & Emily what happened. “Well...uh...we...uh,” went Emily. “So what was in the basement?” asked Haillie. Marko & Emily looked at each other. They hadn’t decided what to tell their friends yet. “Hello?” said Haillie. “I don’t think they went!” giggled Caleb. Just then, Mrs. Azrcy wrote a note. Class, it’s time for Room Eight to sign yearbooks. Please take your yearbooks from your desk. But first I want you to look at who is in this class. Thank you. Lucy Anderson Rosy Butler Gabersi Coat Siana Delane Eddie Friet Howie Howard Joshua Johnson Melody Keepsr Liza Langille Emett Lelani Emily Lulby Haillie Mart Marko Nalan Levi Pappal Caleb Roy Jessie Sito Ryan Tewell Dylan Young Jared Zul The 2nd grade crowd was signing yearbooks everywhere! “This stinks!” said Emily. "

"Hi Debbie, I read your book 1 Mermaid tales,it was nice. My favourite sea creature is a dolphin because it leaps from the water!"

"What movie were you an extra in? When were you? What’s the best book research you’ve ever done?"

"Sorry about Suzy. She’s a really annoying lil sister and I’m so sorry she keeps writing to you"

"Chapter 6: The Basement “Prove Mrs. Azrcy isn’t a cuckoo,” Haillie told Marko & Emily. They were on their way home. ‘I’ll be glad to prove it to you,” said Emily. She poked Marko. “And you’re coming with me!” That night Marko & Emily snuck out of their houses & went to Mrs. Azrcy’s house. “ Marko got there first. He waited for 10 minutes. “Boring,” said Marko. Marko thought, Yo hope madre y padre y Ricardo didn’t see yo do that. When Emily arrived, Marko asked her a question, “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for 10 minutes.” “Shut up and I’ll tell you,” she grouched. She took a big breath. “I had to wait for my dad to sack out.” “Let’s just go to the house,” Marko said. The 2 friends ran into the house. They went to the basement and saw tuns of cuckoo clocks. And dolls. Then, this big box Marko saw was long. They tried to open it. But then they heard a noise. “Let’s get out of here,” Marko said nervously. They ran out of the house very fast. “Ha! Ha!” they breathed. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Ooo! Ooo! They ran across the street where they were safe, They saw a shadow in front of the house front door! Ooo! Ooo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! “Oh my gosh,” said Marko & Emily at the same time. "

"Chapter 5: The next morning at school, Emily, Haillie, Marko & Levi met on the playground. When the bell rang, Marko was walking & stared at his feet. He thought, Mrs. Azrcy is probably a green bird. She was late for the students next morning. Marko & Haillie were the first ones there. They thought Mrs. Azrcy may be allergic to pollen. They were there before Mrs. Azrcy, so they thought they might give it a try. When Emily arrived, she was surprised, “Phew! Something stinks! Who had spaghetti for breakfast?!” “What in the world?” said Levi as he arrived. Their rich friend, Caleb, came in & said, “P.U. I smell something. When Mrs. Azrcy arrived, she started sneezing her head of. She started writing on a note to the class. (The apple juice had not dried out.) There is only 1 thing making me sneeze. I just cannot imagine how pollen has gotten into this room. Haillie sucked in her breath real fast. While Marko started digging through books in his desk. “We did it!” they both blurted. Good; Lucy Anderson Rosy Butler Gabersi Coat Siana Delane Eddie Friet Howie Howard Joshua Johnson Melody Keepsr Liza Langille Emett Lelani Emily Lulby Bad: Haillie Mart Marko Nalan Good: Levi Pappal Caleb Roy Jessie Sito Ryan Tewell Dylan Young Jared Zul Levi got the janitor & he sweeped up the room. Then Mrs. Azrcy went in to the girls bathroom. Everyone followed. “Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Ooo! Ooo!” It sounded like a bird ghost. “Go in & see,” Marko told Emily. “No way,” said Emily. Marko grinned. Before Emily could say another word, Marko pushed her into the bathroom. “AH!” Emily screamed. The door slammed shut. Then, Mrs. Azrcy came out dressed like a green bird. Emily came out panting hard. “Cuckoo! Cuckoo!” Emily made the cuckoo sign at Mrs. Azrcy. Emily pointed and laughed. "

"It is true you like owl diaries, Dork diaries,Mermaids Tales and Mercy Watson."

"Debbie!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you!!!How everything doing?I keeping reading mermaids Tales!!!! I read the new series books!!! Do you like mercy Watson? And owl diaries? Do you like Unicorns, Bulid a bear workshop and hatchimals? And also do you like girls toys? Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I love your books I wish I had all your books and my favorite sea creature is a sea turtle and a bottlenose dolphin.I also have a question for you do you really think that mermaids a alive now I hope you answer my question love Sylvia"

"Debbie, in Witches don’t do Backflips, is Mrs. Brubaker actually a witch, or is she a innocent gym teacher that gives kids apples and likes to say rhymes.And in The Abominable Snowman Dosn’t Roast Marshmallows, is Mr. Savage the Abominable Snowman? "

"Dear Debbie, I have a few questions for you. What is your favorite color? Mine is blue. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? I like to read, and play with my puppy. Finally, what is your favorite animal? Mine is the dog because they are SO CUTE!!! "

"If you ever stopwriting books. Then I’ll steal your left shoe"

"Why did you jump out of a plane? That was dumb"

"Chapter 4: Sneaking & Spying “Well, I’ll spy on Mrs. Azrcy,” said Marko. “I think she’s a cuckoo clock.” When they got to school, Marko, Haillie, Emily, & Levi, met on the playground. “I promised Ricardo I’d spy on Mrs. Azrcy,” said Marko. “I’ll say she’s a cuckoo clock.” “I see Mrs. Azrcy,” said Emily. She gave each of them yearbooks. “All ready,” asked Haillie They each looked at their pictures. In the second grade section Mrs. Dalipire’s 2nd Grade Class Emily Lulby Haillie Mart Marko Nalan Levi Pappal. Marko drew a picture in his journal with Mrs. Azrcy sign a yearbook. Hour One: Yearbooks All Ready? “IT’S THE MIDDLE OF September & WE HAVE YEARBOOK! HOW COME,” screamed Emily. Mrs. Azrcy then wrote something down for Emily. It was a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long note for Emily to take home for her parents. “Oh great,” wailed Emily. “A huge & long note.” “What does it say?” asked Marko as they went into the class. But Emily didn’t answer, She just read the note herself. Dear Mr & Mrs. Lulby, Emily screamed outside before school today. She screamed she thought it was stupid since we all got them in September. Screaming isn’t allowed inside or outside at Bigger Elementary, Emily also has a hard time controlling herself in class, please talk about this with her. From, Mrs. Azrcy. Emily was a new student to Bigger Elementary, & she didn’t know that they got yearbooks in September. For the rest of the day, Marko drew pictures of Mrs. Azrcy: Hour Two: Throwing papers Hour Three: Out for recess Hour Four: Flying Food. Hour Five: O. F. R. Hour Six: Out the door. Hour Seven: Sneezing"

"Do you think your on the nice or naughty list"

"What was your favorite book you wroted "

"Chapter 3: Cuckoo Clocks Later, on their way home, Emily, Hallie, Levi, Marko & Ricardo talked about Mrs. Azrcy. “What does she look like,” asked Ricardo. “She has red hair, tan skin, & red eyes,” said Marko. “Then they saw a house that was shaped like a cuckoo clock. “Someone like Mrs. Azrcy would want to live in that black house,” said Hailie. And sure enough, she was right. Ricardo saw Mrs. Azrcy and made the cuckoo sign at her. Mrs. Azrcy pointed at her house & dragged Marko & Emily in. “I wonder what will happen to them,” said Ricardo. “Let’s take a peek inside the window.” Haillie, Levi and Ricardo peeled inside the window. And then they saw a bunch of cuckoo clocks. “Look at that! See? Your teacher is crazy,” said Ricardo. Ohhs & ahhs they kept blabbing. “Muñecas are en there,” said Ricardo. “And cuckoo clocks,” said Haillie. “Look at that! There’s a cuckoo clock on top of the window,” whispered Levi. “Our teacher is crazy.” “Oh, sí it is,” replied Ricardo. “I’m glad I’m not in that class.” “Room Eight is going crazy about this teacher,” commented Haillie. “Mrs. Dalipire was better.” “My teacher, in Room Nine, is a vampire,” said Ricardo. Just then, Mrs. Azrcy pushed opened the door and threw Marko & Emily outside. “As I said, my teacher, Mrs. Eripilad, is a vampire.” “When Mrs. Azrcy passes out papers she throws them,” said Levi. “I hate my teacher.” When Marko & Ricardo said that when they got home got home, they said they would draw pictures of Mrs. Azrcy. "

" Actually exciting news- I was so nice to Fatima and she became my BFF now. She also stands up for me when the bully at my school is mean to me. Now, she visits my house often and we always are a team at school!!!!!!! Also, I made a friend and her name is Urooj. I am so Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Sorry! My brother got on my computer! I love your books and you are an amazing author1"

"Deer Debby, I love you mermaid books. They make me happy. I like finding mermaid liker friends. Reading is funner than tv. Your books are good. Thank you Mrs. Daddy Nicole"

"Chapter 2: Crazy People At recess time, Marko, Levi, Haillie, & Emily sat on rusty old swings. “This teacher is so crazy,” wailed Haillie. “I bet she has a collection of cuckoo clocks.” “And haven’t you noticed how she never says anything?” said Marko. “Mrs. Azrcy’s name is crazy,” said Marko, hopping off his swing. “I bet she’s in love with muñecas, that means dolls in Spanish.” Mario’s twin brother, Ricardo, heard the news & ran over to the swings. “Marko,” said Ricardo. “Did tu get a new teacher for your class?” He paused. “Or did Emily.” “Um...uh...,” Emily stammered. “Sí, she did,” said Marko. “She is the class bully, tu know.” “Oh Emily Lulby, ya gonna be sorry,” said Ricardo, grouchily. "

"Also do you ever watch Hannah Montana?"

"Here is the first chapter of my book called the Cuckoo Teacher! Chapter 1: Mrs. Azrcy A teacher walked into a room called Room Eight. Her name was Mrs. Dalipire. Everyone in her class was bad, bad, bad! They had all thrown paper wads or shot spitballs. She was about to take attendance when her desk’s drawer was full of apple juice. “Ugh!” wailed Mrs. Dalipire. “I can’t stand it anymore!” She walked out & said, “Ugh, I’m sure glad that’s over.” “She was cuckoo too do that,” said a student named Emily. “I wonder what new teacher we’ll get next.” “Whatever,” said another student named Haillie. “I think we should get a male wrestler,” said one named Levi. “Do you hear footsteps?” “I do,” said another named Marko. Just after they said that, their princible, Mr. Mores, walked into the room with a lady who was sticking her tongue out at the students, plugging her ears, & flapping her hands up and down. “Class,” said Mr. Mores. “I’d like you to meat your new teacher Mrs. Azrcy.” She kept doing her crazy move untill Emily, Haillie, Levi & Marko. yelled: “That’s enough!” “Where’s the lesson, Mrs. Acrzy,” said Emily, tapping her foot. She stopped doing her crazy move, She started throwing papers from the top desk drawer. When they were done, she pointed at the door which they thought ment: “Out for recess.” She started doing that crazy move again. "

"Debbie do you visit schools very often?"
2nd grade

"What is your favorite color? Mine is rainbow! Also if you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Mine is Miami,Florida! I will be sending you a lot more questions and comments.Bye!"
2nd grade

"Debbie you are a very good author!you write so many different books! I am amazed!"
Second grade

"Debbie, I love your Mermaid Tales books. I like them because I also like mermaids. My favorite characters are Shelly, Kiki and Echo.You are a great author. My favorite food is cotton candy.What is yours?"
2nd grade

"Hi Debbie,my name is Dahlia. I wanted to tell you how much I love your Mermaid tale books. I love to read so much I would go to the library every day if I could. I want to read the whole series. "

"Are you allergic to anything? I am allergic to parsnips"

" My writing teacher says I am the best writer in all of 5th grade and she put me as WRITER OF THE MONTH in my school! That means I am the best at writing in my class! She also said that I should be an author when I grow up!!!! "
5th grade

" I am so exited because my school is doing a competition and are giving big prizes such as phones! I hope I win!!!!!"
5th grade

" It doesn't require a membership but the membership is optional. Also, do you know about the Thea Stilton books? They are my second favorite series. ( Mermaid Tales are my first favorite series.) Also, i just noticed my friend is actually not my friend because she is gossiping behind my back. That makes me really sad because I didn't do anything to her and was always nice to her."
5th grade

"I loved Ghosts Do Splash in Puddles! It was funny especially when Melody pushed Eddie! Btw, which character do you relate to most?"

"Why does my story sound familiar to you?"

"What happened to Mrs Deedee after she left BES?"

"Do you pronounce Melody like Me-loe-dee and Liza like Lee-sa?"

"Will your books ever be a movie?"

"Next year for middle school I wanna take an advanced English class, but I just like writing. I only like reading your books. Do you think I should? I wanna write fun stories just like you do!"

"Sorry for all the letters I just really like your books!!!!! Also have you ever been in a movie? Do you like Inside Out? What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?"

"I wish I could be an author like you. I might write a book "

"Can you PLEASE write another BSK book? Maybe about a cuckoo clock! Maybe I should write that"

"Also, my mom and mommy read your books to me!"

"I have a lot of questions, please answer them: Are any of the BSK books about bullies (besides Eddie)? Do you ever do meet and greets? Have you ever watched the TV Show Hannah Montana? Do you like Miley Cyrus (my favorite song of hers is the climb)! How old are your kids? How did you name the BSK characters? What makes you laugh? Do you consider yourself famous? Are you excited for Christmas? Is Santa coming to your house? What’s your favorite food? Where did you get the idea for BSK? What is the scariest thing that ever happened to you? What’s your favorite thing about being an author?"

"What inspired you to become an author? Is it your only job? "

"I am your number one fan! I have been writing to you for years! I love your books and also you are not ugly!"

"My brother showed me Titanic. I was sad and cried for the whole night"

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