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Kids Talk to Debbie

Kids here is your chance to write to Debbie where Debbie and everyone else can read it!

Press the "Post Your Message" button below.  A new page will open with a form where you can post your message to Debbie. Inappropriate language will be deleted or blocked. She will answer you on "Debbie Talks."


" Dear Debbiedadey when does the 3rd and 4th keyholders com out."

" what do you do in your spare time"

" Dear Debbie Dadey, Thank you for coming to Leaders Heights.I had lots of fun because I got to see you come in and you told us about your self.Oh I want to find out what happens in the story Whisler's Hollow but every fith grader once it.Thank you."

" Dear Debbie Thanks for The autograph on my book mark and on my book.My cosen and I are one of your biggest fans,we love the Baly school kids books. Melanie from Leaters Hights"

" dear Debbie Dadey, thank you for coming to my was a pleasure having you your books are so amazing. I also saw you sky diving vidio it was awsome I'm know thinking aboutsky diving also. "
4 grade

" Dear Debbie thank you for coming to my school.You are a great auther.I thought it was really cool when you went shy diving.Your website is really cool.Hope you have a good day.Chad"

" Dear Debbie your assemble was so great. I had lots of fun."

" Dear Debbie, I have a book title for you: Devils Don't Tango. Hope you like it "

" Dear debbie I would never jump out of a plane I would be to scared."

" Dear Debbie I think you should write a book called Ghost don't sky dive"

" I love the Key holders"

"Dear Debbie, you should write a book called Monkeys Don't Fly,or Ghost Don't Eat Fried Chicken"

" Dear'Debbie i really liked your assembly and I hope you have fun writing new books."

" Will you write a nonfiction book?And how many states have you vistited?"

" Hi Debbie thanks for visiting our school.I had a great time.Also thank you for the autograped book."

" I love the bailey school kids.My last name is ..."

" I love the bailey school kids.My last name is bailey."

" Dear Debbie I think u should write a book called goblins don't play pocker. "

" Dear Debbie, I enjoyed your visit to Leaders Hieghts! I was just wondering if you ever had any pets?"

" Dear Debby, Your book visit was so cool! i liked it a lot. I have a sugjestion for a book title it is Goblins Dont have resraunts. I hope you like it!"

" DearDebbie, I liked your assaembly."

" I think you are a great author. I loved how you told us about how theres somthing in the attic and didn't tell us what."

" I really liked the assembly! How did you get hooked into writing? I hope you come to our school agian!"

"What do you like better writing your storys or reading your reding the storys."

"Dear Debbie Thank you for doing an assembly! It is really cool that you never gave up when you kept geting rejaction letters. I love the book you wrote called Aleins Dont Wear Braces! It was very funny! It is funny that you sky dived out of a plane find things for a book! You have really inspired me. I love to write! My favorite to write are mysterys! your awsome. grace"
5 grade

" dear, debbie i was not at the the asembely at leaders heights so i did not know anything that you talked about but i have a few of youre books i have dracula dosent drink lemonade, the new one that i just got by you sea monsters dont ride motercycles i like youre book."
5th grade

"Debbie Dadey, You are a great author! My favorite books that you wrote are the Bailey School Kids and Keyholders. Are you going to make more Keyholders? Your site has fun games!"

"Dear Debbie,thank you for comming to our school I enjoyed you comming. what was your part about the assembly."

" Dear Debbie, My question is would you ever write more of the bailey school kids books?"

" Dear Debbie, I have loved your books when I was little. I just have some questions. Did you get any ideas from R.L Stine books because you both make books about monsters. Its incredible how you just look around somewhere and than you get amazing ideas for a book. I'm a really good writer and I learned alot from you at the assembly. Thanks"

"Dear Debbie, I like reading books, I want to read your key holder series but I have a lot of book projects. You came to Leaders Heights and it was cool feeting a famous auther. I'm reading a really good book called Cracker,it is really good! "

" Dear Debby why do you like writing about mystical things? I love when you told us about the story of your grandmal!:)"

"Dear Debbie, I had much fun when you came to my school. You are one of my favorite author's. How many times did the first Bailey School Kids book get rejected? Thamk you very much for coming to are school."

" Dear Debbie, you went to my schools assembly i think you are a great writer i loved how you told us about Whistlers Hollow but did not tell us about whats in the attic. i am the first "

" Dear Debbie, I am from LH Elementary. I liked when you told us about the book where your grandma was at her uncle's house and she wasn't alowed to go in the attic (sorry, I forgot the name of that book).I really enjoy your books. I really like your book Boogymen Don't play football."

" Dear Debbie, Thanks for coming to my school I really apreaciated that oh yeah you have to keep that sky diving thing that cracked me up. Here is my Question. why do you write scary books not that I dont like them or anything like that and where do you get characters from I meen Liza,and all these other names? "
5 grade

" DEAR Debbie, I am a huge han of your books and that you came to our school. And i want to know how you come up with your titles"

"Dear Debbie, what animal/monster do you like writing about the most? "

" im a big fan of your books iv'e read ghostville. baily city monsters. baily school kids. i love ghostville and baily school kids best books i have ever read your books are awesome. eddie is a big jerk! lize why does she get bloddy noses when she is nervous? melody is pretty brave for a 3rd grader and got a real nerve from eddie for sure. huey very very smart is a big friend of eddie but gets anoyed after a bit. ghostville is my favriot though it's about ghost's i love the paranormal activity i watch the old show ghost hunters.( sorry its DK kids but theres two others shows called that hope i didn't mix you up with some other show) well hers the names i can list off ghostville.andrew the bully,ozzy's also a jerk but a ghost,nina a bit afriad of ghost's but doesnt mind to much,mr.morton the teacher he's curious about the three kids nina,cassidy,and jeff,cassidy is the most curious one about the ghost's but she try's to ignor the ghost's but she can't there always littl snoop's and she was the first to meet one of the ghost's and that was ozzy,jeff loves ghost story's(ha so do i !)he wants to make movies of um to. well forget the other 4 ghost's i know im sleepy and it took me like 29mins to type this well i love your books. p.s.are you and marcia thorton jones? please."

" I have 3 very good ideas, 1) Faries Don't Give Lunches, 2) Spiders Don't Knit Baby Socks, and 3) Fairies Don't Light Menorahs. I think your books are very interesting. There's a lot of adventure and action in them."

" Thank you for coming to Dallastown for the assembly. My favorite part was when you told about how you became a arthor. I hope that your other books will be publeshed. Have a good time."

" Thanks for coming to Dallastown Elementary. I was very excited when I heard that you were coming to our school.I was wondering if you ever thought of making a whole book about all the schools that you have visting!I love the sky diving video. I wonder why you thought of coming up with the fariy World? One more thing that I would like to ask is if you ever thought of ever making a book about you sky diving! "

" I like your books they are great. I really read your books alot."

" Why do you chose the names that you have?Thank you for comeing to Dallastown.You have great books."

"Debbie Dadey I liked your assembly at Dallastown Elememtary.How did you get your best idea.Have a great day,Wyatt. "

" Hi Debbie! Thank you for coming to my school! It was fantastic and awsome. I was the girl who took a picture with you but I was not the girl with glasses. My question is when or what age were you when you started getting to be an aurthor. Also I asked were you lived. What's your favorite football team, mine is the steerleers. And my favorite baseball team is the Pirates. And my favorite hockey team is the penguins. Please get back to me soon!"

" Dear Debbie Dadey Thank you for coming to the Dallastown assembly. My favorite part was when you where reading all of the books that you did. I also like when we got the autograph."

" Thank you for coming to our school! I like your book Trolls Don't ride roller coasters. In fact I like all your books. "

" Dear Debbie Dadey, Thank you for coming to my school to perform a assembly. My favorite Book of yours is Were Wolves Don't Go To Summer Camp. My Favorite part of the assembly is when you read some of your books to us. My favorite series of books is The Bailey School Kids."

" Why did you pick the names Liza,Eddie,Howie,and Melaney? What inspired you to write The Bride of Frankenstein Doesnt Bake Cookies? I like all the books you have wrote.Thank you."

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