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Monday May 14, 2012

Dear Mrs. Johnson's second graders, I look forward to Sea Monsters Don't Ride Motorcyclesmeeting you on Friday.  Two things made me want to write Mermaid Tales.  One, I have spent my last two vacations at the beach and two, I had a discussion with an editor and she thought a mermaid series would be a lot of fun.  And it has been.  Of course, I do have mermaids, but I also have merboys too.
     Madi, I'm so glad you like all my books.  Do you have a favorite?  Lily, I'm not sure why I haven't gotten your other Mermaids Don't Run Tracknotes.  Thanks for you cool idea about a clown on a motorcycle.  Did you see Sea Monsters Don't Ride Motorcycles?  Best of luck with your City story.  It sounds very exciting.  Sydney, I'm happy you enjoyed Mermaids Don't Run Track.  Have a great week, Debbie

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Friday May 11, 2012

Hey Samuel, I bet someone owns the rights to Peter Pan, which means I can't write about it without their permission Inside the Magicand probably paying them a fee.  I'll have to check.  Laura-lee, your vampire idea is fun!  Noah, you have lots of stuff-here's a bit more to help.
1.  Besides Marcia Jones, Nathan and Becky Dadey-Richard Peck is my favorite author.
2.  I like to visit schools.  I even visited one in Cairo, Egypt.
3.  I was a terrible waitress in college.  I went to Western KY University.
4.  I collect birdhouses.
5.  My office is orange with wild monkey curtains.  My husband hates it!
6.  I love to watch Broadway plays (actually any plays, especially musicals.)
7.  I love to watch John Wayne movies.  My father-in-law met John Wayne during WWII.
8.  My ancester, Joel Gibson, fought in the Revolutionary War.
9.  I play the piano.
10. I sky-dived to get ideas for a book. 
11.  I have three states I haven't visited:  Maine, Oregon, andMermaid Tales #2 Washington.
Noah, I hope that helps.  About the information you had:  I was a librarian at Sayre School and Tates Creek Elementary.  I still have three dogs.  Maatkara, my favorite Keyholders books is #3.  I really like the dragon on the cover.  Morgantown is named after where I was born:  Morganfield, KY.  Hope some of you can join me tonight at 7:00 in Harleysville, PA. at the Harleysville Bookstore.  I'm bringing a mermaid!  Best, Debbie


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Thursday May 10, 2012

Hey Maddie, thanks for the happy birthday wishes.  The Frankenstein Doesn't Plant PetuniasBailey School Kids series has definitely sold the most of my books so far.  Hi Samuel!  Take care, Debbie





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Wednesday May 9, 2012

Dear Ciera, Samuel, Katherine, and Layla, I'm so glad you like Ghosts be gonemy books.  Ciera, thanks for being my number one fan!  Samuel, I try to write a chapter a day.  Laura-lee, Jalyssa, and Zoe, thanks for your fun ideas!  Shane, I hope you'll enjoy the Ghostville Elementary books.  Hope you won't be scared!
     Grace, the great white sharks mistake people Trouble at Trident academyfor their food, so that's why no one should swim in the ocean in the early morning and early evening when sharks like to eat.  Layla, it was great visiting your school.  Daniel and Kerigrace, I am a bit older than 49!  This link will help you figure it out.  Emma, I have many favorite books, including the brand new Trouble at Trident Academy.  Have an awesome Wednesday, Debbie

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Monday May 7, 2012

Debbie and a whaleHey Sydney, I'm so glad you like my books.  Do you have a favorite?  I had fun at the Hudson Children's Book Festival.  On Friday, I'll be in Harleysville, PA. at the Harleysville Bookstore.  Hope to see you there.  I'll have a mermaid with me!  best, Debbie

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