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Kids Talk to Debbie

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Kids here is your chance to write to Debbie where Debbie and everyone else can read it!

Press the "Post Your Message" button below.  A new page will open with a form where you can post your message to Debbie. Inappropriate language will be deleted or blocked. She will answer you on "Debbie Talks."


"Thank you so much for visiting with us today, it meant the world to our class. Here a few questions for you! What is your favorite book that you've written? What is your favorite book from your childhood? When did you start writing books? What was your most challenging book to write? Who is your favorite character in your books? What is your favorite type of pop tart? You're the BEST! - Elk Valley Elementary School- Mrs. Miesner's 4th/5th Grade Classroom "
Shayla Dawn Miesner's Class
4th/5th Grade

"I am not asking u a question I am telling u something I want to be a reasercher and a writter"
4TH grade

"i am from the longton ks video call and ill say my mom read one of your books to me when i was little"

"Your books are so amzing I love magical books your books make me so happy I wish I could meet you in person someday.p.s my favorite sea animal is a queen conch I writing about in class."

"I love mermaids, and your books are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have book 2 of mermaid tales!"

"I love the mermaid tales books, I'm going to florida in march so I will say some thing if I see a mermaid!"
5 Grade

"My class just rode ghost don’t eat potato chips And I really like it "

"Dear Debbie, I loved ghosts don't eat potato chips It's fun and spooky but in the graphic novel why did you choose to bring Kary into the book."

"I just wanted to let you know that I am about to read your Mermaid books. I read Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips, and I read your messages to my class, and I can't believe there might be a movie! I can't wait to see it. That is so exciting! "
3rd grade

" LOVE YOUR BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Dear Debbie, I red one of your books. It's called Mermaid tales Battle of the Best Friends. And I really enjoyed it. I am glad you made these books and I hope you have fun writing more books. Also, I make comics and I love mermaid, unicorns, princesses and some other cool stuff. It was nice talking to you. Sincerely, Paulina "

"Hi!I think that your new book should be scary and funny. i think a good name for a book would be lawerś don´t eat turkey or zombies can´t be teachers. Let me know if you like one of them or both i can´t wait to read your new books !"

"I like the book Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips. Thank you for writing it! I am wondering what book are you writing now? "

"I love the books Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips and Dracula Doesn't Play Kickball. Thank you for writing them! What new books are you working on? "

"are you going to do more books my favorite is grafice novle"

"Ilove your books"

"Debbie dadey i think the graphic novel of ghosts don't eat potato chips .I think is my favorite."
3erd Grade

"I love your books,especially Ghosts Don`t Eat Potato Chips!In the graphic novel I was acting as eddie and I did very good,but just 1 question.Are you better than Dr. Seuss?If i could answer I would say OFC!"

"Hi Debbie Dadey I love your books. My favorite book is Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips chapter book and graphic novel my favorite character is Liza. "
3rd grade

"I have the book Mermaid Tales. I read it three times. What kind of book are you working on now?Anyway have a good rest of your week and your day."

"I love the story Ghost Don't Eat Potato Chips it was such a good book,and I am about to finish the graphic novel.I can't wait to read lots more of your books."
3 grade

"I read Ghosts Don't eat Potato Chips the chapter book and the graphic novel.I especially like Zombies Don't Play Soccer.What is your favorite book you wrote.Bye I love your books."
3rd grade

"hi my name is Orien. and i love your books. you are the best.I love Ghost don,t eat potato chips.We had to act like characters and i was great aunt mathilda BY!"

"Hi my name is Callista. I have a few questions. How long have you been writing books? What book are you now writing? Lastly, what is your favorite book? Thank you for reading this."

"Hey I love your book ghosts don't eat potato chips by have a good day."
3 grade

"What book are you working on? "

"Hi,Debbie Dadey I love your book Ghosts Don`t Eat Potato Chips so so much your an amazing author so I think you should make some more interesting books.Also before I leave what book are you working on? Also you should make a book called Escape The Haunted Mansion i think it would be interesting and a good book.Bye Debbie Dabie"

"Hi Debbie Dadey I read Ghosts don't eat potato chips and I was wondering if you had any suggestions for other books that I might like. Thank you! "

"Hi I relly like the book Ghost don't eat potato chips and I think that your books are a combination of drama and unpirdictable endings"

"Hi my name is Emmalee. Did you know I read ghosts don't eat potato chips? I love all of your books Debby! Bye!"

"I love your book Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips and your other books they are so so so good! I love them!"
3 grade

"Hi,Debbie Dadey my name is Sophia I am going to get one of your books at school from the library I love your book Ghost Don't Eat Potato chips bye."

"Hi my name is Aria I really like ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips. It's really good. I love the graphic novels. I love all of your books!!!!!!!!. "
3 grade

"Hi my name is Mayah and I love your books my favorite book by you is Ghost Don't Eat Potato Chips I read the chapter book and the graphic novel too! I hope you make more books!"
3rd grade

"Hi my name is Sophia, and I love Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips. and I love your stories. I'm going to read all your books. Bye, Debbie Dadey!"

"I love your books. My favorite is Ghost Don`t Eat Potato Chips."
3rd grade

"We read your books at the library. I like them we read Ghost Don't Eat Potato Chips."

"Hello Debbie my name is Leo, and i like Ghost Don´t Eat Potato Chips.Its a really good book.And you are a great author."

"Hi I love your book Ghost Don't Eat Potato Chips."


"Hi,my name is Savannah. I read Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips the chapter book and the graphic novel. Also, I just got number 4 in your mermaid series today from the library. It was nice talking to you! Bye! "
3rd Grade

"Hi, Debbie Dadey! You are awesome! I love your books. One of them is Ghost Don't Eat Potato Chips. It is amazing. I like the graphic novel. I like the book because the cat is funny and because I like cats, and I like Vampires Don't Ware Polka Dots. "
3 Grade

"I hope you make more baily school kids they are the best books! And also the Graphic novel both are the best!"

"Hi! I read your book Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips, and I think it's a really good chapter book and graphic novel. I like your Bailey School Kids series. "

"You are a good author"
3rd Grade

"Hi! I loved Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips! I love the graphic novel! Thanks for writing it! "

"Hi, Debbie! I just wanted to say that I love your books! Thanks for writing them! You are the best author I´ve ever known!"

"I like Ghost Don't Eat Potato Chips. I like how Uncle Jasper was hiding around the house. "
3rd grade

"Hi, Debbie! I read both Ghost Don't Eat Potato Chips chapter book, and I read the graphic novel one. They are both cool. I like how you added another person, Carey, to the graphic novel. It was so nice to talk to you. "
3rd grade

"I love to read Ghost Don't Eat Potato Chips. It's one of my favorite books! You're one of my favorite authors!"

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